Transport logs and return codes

What is a Transport Request?

Change requests are named in a standard format as: <SID>K<Number> [Not modifiable by system administrators]

Example: DEVK900030
Tasks also use the same naming convention, with 'numbers' consecutive to the number used in TR containing them.
For Example, Tasks in the above mentioned TR Example can be named as: DEVK900031, DEVK900032 …

Workbench Request – contains repository objects and also 'cross-client' customizing objects. These requests are responsible for making changes in the ABAP workbench objects.
Customizing Request – contains objects that belong to 'client-specific' customizing. As per client settings, these requests are automatically recorded as per when users perform customizing settings and a target system is automatically assigned as per the transport layer (if defined).
SE01 – Transport Organizer – Extended View

Create a Change Request

Release the Transport Request (Export Process)

The Import Process

Importing TRs into the target system

Import Queue -> is the list of TRs available in the common directory and are ready to be imported into the target system, this is the SAP Application View, at the OS level it is also known as Import Buffer.

The Import Status

Import Queue shows some standard 'status icons' in the last column, here are the icons with their meanings, as defined by SAP:

In case, a request is not added automatically in the import queue/buffer, even though the OS level files are present, then we can add such requests by the following method, however, we should know the name of intended TR:

Import History

We can also check the previous imports that happened in the system as follows:

Transport logs and return codes